Astronomers, explorers, geographer, travelers from different countries and Chinese Civilization have contributed so much to our current knowledge. Chinese are Pioneer in Aviation as recognized by NASA…..the first man to attempt flying, hot air balloon; In this zone, you will learn Chinese maritime forces and ship building technology, invention of gunpowder and rockets.
- Find out world’s first scientific experiment testing of hot air balloon.
- Learn about Admiral Zheng He Fleet and voyages, almost a century before Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas.
- Find out who invented gunpowder by accident in the 9th century China.
- Rocket technology first became known to Europeans through the Mongols when they conquered parts of Russia, Eastern, and Central Europe.
- Investigate Chinese invention of the instrument that revolutionized sea exploration, land discovery and trade.
- See a model of First Man to fly. Find out who is inventor and the practical applications.